SQLWindows for Solaris x86

SQLWindows from Gupta® is a quick and powerful graphical client/server application development tool for the Solaris x86 software environment. SQLWindows enables the creation and deployment of applications scalable from a single desktop to an enterprise-wide environment.

All editions of SQLWindows include QuickObjects. This point-and-click application building facility handles routine activities such as connecting to and editing data with no need to write code. The collapsible SQLWindows Application Outliner provides a big-picture view, and the Application Designer simplifies designing and building large applications.

For more complex applications that require coding, the SQLWindows Application Language (SAL), a full-featured 4GL, delivers virtually unlimited application control and extensibility with more than 500 functions, support for many back-end data sources, and efficient integration with external libraries, including C and C++ code. SAL fully supports object-oriented programming, including both single and multiple inheritance. The SQLWindows Compiler converts SQLWindows code to C code for accelerated performance.

A Stable, Open Platform

Solaris x86 is a powerful and versatile software environment for the Intel® x86 platform. Designed as a foundation for enterprise computing, Solaris x86 provides robust services for both desktop and server systems. Its multitasking and multithreading capabilities boost application performance and take full advantage of the power of 486 and Pentium PCs, enabling complex applications to be simultaneously available on the x11desktop. Support of key industry standards, including the Motif® graphical user interface and Sun's NFS® distributed computing file system, increases the power of the desktop by making network files, printers and applications easily accessible, appearing to reside locally.

Solaris servers can integrate easily into existing PC LANs (including IPX/SPX-based LANs), providing access to powerful enterprise applications and data without modifying installed PCs. Solaris servers can also unite legacy mainframes and PC LANs, increasing the utility of each. With the same programming interfaces as Solaris SPARC® , Solaris x86 ensures source compatibility between the leading CISC (x86) and RISC (SPARC) platforms, giving users the flexibility to deploy applications on systems ranging from laptops to superservers.

SQLWindows Features and Benefits

For more information, contact Gupta Corporation at 111060 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Phone 1-800-876-3267 or 415-321-9500; Fax 415-321-5471.

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Singapore: Phone or Fax +65-323-0195.

Australia: Phone +61-2-427-0222; Fax +61-2-427-0333.

Solaris x86 Features and Benefits

For more information on Solaris x86, in the U.S call 1-800-SUN-SOFTor 512-345-2412, or Fax 512-345-2436. For international inquiries, contact the office nearest you.

France: Phone +05-90-86-09, Fax +05-05-51-06.

Italy: Phone +167-874-707, Fax +167-874-715.

Germany: Phone +01-30-81-38-62, Fax +01-30-81-31-73.

Austria: Phone +06-60-67-93, Fax +06-60-88-95.

Switzerland: Phone +155-95-39, Fax +155-97-52.

United Kingdom: Phone +0800-962-761, Fax +0800-962-760.

Netherlands: Phone +06-02-24-205, Fax +06-02-22-753.

Belgium: Phone +0800-1-80-43, Fax +0800-1-94-81.

Sweden: Phone +02-07-97-334, Fax +02-07-97-335.

© 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun, Sun Microsystems, SunSoft, the SunSoft logo, Solaris, NFS, IPX and Wabi are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SPARC is a registered trademark ofSPARC International, Inc. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Gupta, the Gupta Powered logo, QuickObjects, SQLBase and SQLConsole are trademarks or registered trademarks of Gupta Corporation. SQLWindows and TeamWindows are trademarks or registered trademarks exclusively used and licensed by Gupta Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark inthe United States and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. Intel and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Ltd. All other products or services mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All product information has been provided by the respective vendors and is published with their approval. SunSoft does not specifically warrant the validity of any claims made in these descriptions and takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

For further information, please contact Gupta at:

Gupta Corporation
1060 Marsh Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel: 415-321-9500
Fax: 415-321-5471
InfoLine: 1-800-444-8782 | 415-617-8500 | info_usa@gupta.com

World Wide Web Site: http://www.gupta.com

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